Sunday, April 17, 2011

Picnic Day Davis, CA

So this past weekend at UC Davis was Picnic Day, it is usually a day when families are invited to the campus for tour and carnival type thing, YET college students have for some reasoned decided to turn this day into a festival of binge drinking! Why? Do we not binge drink enough in our own colleges. As I see it the true party goers grow bored of their own stomping grounds and like to venture off to other universities and get shitty together. Many return with stories like: chipped teeth, broken limbs, dried blood and scracth marks from falling into bushes, you name it happened (literally). But why on a day that was originally a family day? is this the radicalization that students undergo when attending the university and become marxist, communist, and god forbid liberals, or is this just us saying fuck it this weekend im getting extra wasted? All I can say is better him than me!

1 comment:

  1. While your personal blog is interesting, it does not fulfill the necessary or basic requirements for the assignment. It also does not illustrate any significant or minor changes from when it was first turned in.
